Sunday, December 27, 2015

Check your fears at the door?

Karla Shields
Lightworker, Psychic Medium & Spiritual Healer

Have you faced your dragons yet?

I have, and here's what I found!

Cute, right?
Actually, while non-physical, the fears that we can't do something because we're not good enough, pretty enough, handsome enough, young enough, old enough or .... enough, are usually thoughts that are implanted in us by others.

Could be family, friends, society, it doesn't matter.
What does matter is that you don't run away from them, because they will just haunt you until you face them.

There was a time when I was petrified of doing a radio show... shook all the way through it, a few times!  Now, I'm very comfortable in that realm, at least as much as possible for me!

Similiarly, petrified of doing a video.  Done - A few of them this year, many, many more to come!

Step out of your comfort zone now and then.
You might find out that the dragons you face are friendly after all!

Peace, Love and Light....


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Age is a state of spirit!

I beg to differ with you.
I am not old.
My Spirit is timeless!
This body that my Spirit is currently attending to is thrilled to be here!

We've climbed mountains in the summer.
We've skied down them in the winter..
We've laughed and cried with our friends and family.
We've helped build a home (yes, really) and played with automobile mechanics.
We've learned photography, musical instruments, sewing, gardening, cooking and more.

My friend, I know people who are under 40 and are older than I.
Age is a state of Spirit, and mine is vibrant, spirited and alive!

When it's time for the body to pass on it will, 
but for now...

I'll dive in and try new things!
May you age as happily as I and may you never judge someone older than you again.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Spiritual Points of Light

I get a kick out of people that think the term "Lightworker" is for pansies. Do you really think that "The Light" is without integrity, consciousness and depth?  As a Lightworker I profess to try to work on behalf of "The Light", a noble task and one which I endeavor to do.  

Anyone who works for a cause for good, to help, to heal, to lift someone's spirit, is doing the same, perhaps with a few technical differences, but nonetheless to lift, as opposed to step upon.

There are those who work on behalf of All That Is, and there are those who are so concerned with the pomp and circumstance that the actual raw joy of communing gets lost in the translation.  

Not being a Witch myself, I learned that there is a huge difference between one who professes to be a witch and one who practices the religion of Wicca.  Indeed a very large chasm to cross I'm told.  

In so many belief system's there are variations of this nature.  There are those who focus on different subtleties and aspects that they feel are more important to them, facets of the belief's that for them, reinforce their base belief's and help them to feel connected to that which is larger than all, from their viewpoint.

Just as you might speak with a dozen or so individuals in any one religion, belief system or followers of a certain philosophy, this also rings true with those of us that use the term Lightworker, in conjunction with Psychic and Spiritualist.  One individual might profess to be connected with "The Light" as their mission statement, another may say that for them it is the primary focus to work within one area of spirituality and another may be sharing goods and wares to try to inspire others.  I can say with great certainty that there are many who I personally would consider to be one that works on behalf of "The Light", however also I'm comfortable saying that they probably would not ever consider themselves to be doing that at all.  In fact some of the individuals that I'm referring to were not religious at all, not Pagan, not Christian, Jew, or other.  Yet they touch and have touched the very Spirits of so many people in their lifetimes, they have acted as a non-judgemental teacher, helper, healer in the community, or job, family or group where they were planted.  It's simply amazing to me how much kindness can be done when we put the labels aside and focus on the person in front of us.

Over the thousands of years humanity has struggled with the practices, the belief systems and the variations amongst it's peoples that were present at the time.  It's still very true today, in fact we are at a boiling point in some respects, where there is grand tolerance on one end of the scale for all beliefs and rights of peoples and on the other end of the scale there is no tolerance for any belief system other than our own.  We witness this on the media within political positions where people reinforce their rights via their "religion" or "belief's", in fact, one might even say they use their belief system to justify their reason for acting or not acting on an issue.  We experience terror as groups are so unyielding to any other belief systems that they will take another's life as part of that system.  These surely are at one END of the spectrum, in fact, one might way it is at the opposite end of the spectrum because it is gradually evolving it's way out of our experience.  Flailing and using every means possible, there are justifications based on their belief systems, that their actions are inspired by their Higher Power.   A lot of energy is being spent to this end, for the good of the organizations.

While all of this can be so dramatic there is something we as individuals are given, even by those that we disagree with on every level, much to their chagrin, I'm sure.  

We are given the right to choose our personal beliefs, philosophies, patterns and experiences.  We have, in this 3D realm of life, the ability to change our mind if one system no longer suits us.  We have the right to evolve on a personal and spiritual level and to experience that which we choose.  This is part of the Grand Master's plan, if you will.  The Highest Power, Source, The Great Spirit, whatever label you prefer.  We did choose to come here to experience life from an individual point of light, not to come in and remain fully connected as if we never "left" at all.  Along our personal paths we have stepping stones that bring us forward on our charted journey.

While I personally do endeavor to include as a primary focus, my intentions to work on behalf of "The Light", for me, it is a choice of great pleasure, supreme experience that can only be granted in the process of helping those to whom I am led, or those who are led to me, with the help of Spirit.  For me, being a conduit of pure, positive energy is being a Lightworker.  It is a no-nonsensical path, not purely a flowery one, for the Other Side will bring rather challenging situations to me at times.  Yet it is in these challenges that the power of Spirit, of Intellect and Integrity is needed.  Through Meditation, Contemplation and time with Nature to reconnect, we Lightworker's recharge and move forward on our journey.

Know that this blog post was indeed transmitted through me, to help me to clarify what I'm trying to say.  I feel all of this, but putting this in words, well, I can only say that I'm most grateful for the assistance.

The Point is this: If what you're practicing doesn't feel good to you, perhaps it's time to change.  The beautiful thing about this life experience is that you get to choose, to learn and to change as you personally evolve.  You are here to experience the GOOD, not just the challenges.  Yes, there are life-lessons we are here to learn, however the journey overall is meant to be one in which JOY is a primary vibration.

Blessings to all... with Peace and hope that you will follow your personal Joyful moments.

There is no comparison of one soul to another from Mother and Father God.  There is great Love and great Appreciation for each and everyone's contribution to the expansion as we move forward through this transition.

Spirited Daydreams

#Lightworker #Spirit #Beliefs #Humanity #SpiritedDaydreams

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The energy of Love

"There are no limits to the energy of LOVE.
It's energy is stronger, vibrates at a
higher frequency and is infinite when
compared to all else.
FEAR is only the absence of love.
It's power exists in your belief that it
actually has power in the first place.
YOU CHOOSE whether you lend your personal
energy to Fear or Love
but make no mistake,
Love is always the stronger of the two."

*~*Spirited Daydreams*~*

Sunday, August 30, 2015

There is a plan

This is true, beyond measure in fact. Each one of us has a charted plan of sorts, totally unique from each-other, although some of us are here together as part of that plan for each of us. When you think about that, it's simply phenomenal!
Of course, we get to choose our direction, yet before we arrived, we most assuredly must have imagined we would be successful in our lessons both as teachers and students, for aren't we all learning?
Karla Shields

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Go ahead!

Go ahead, push it, I dare you! Push the reset button on your life, and start focusing on things that excite you! Forget what everyone else is telling you to do, and listen to yourself. Best...thing...evah! heart emoticon

Love and Light,
Spirited  *~*SD*~*

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Are you living on "Someday Isle" ?

Are you living on "Someday Isle" ???

It's true that sometimes we take things too seriously and loose perspective.  Other times we just are so busy living our lives that our priorities become what everyone else wants.

To balance body, mind and spirit means that we are aware of our goals, objectives, situations and choices.  We consider who we want in our daily lives and we choose carefully what power we give to others.  Saying yes, when you really want to say I need time to think about it, for example.

No-one on this earth can make these choices for you in the way that your very soul and spirit would prefer.  When you give that power away, you have given a piece of yourself to them.

Take it back, choose carefully!

Karla Shields
Spirited Daydreams

PS:  Tune in Wednesday, August 5th at 7:00 pm (Eastern); 4:00 pm (Pacific) or 12 Midnight (UK)!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Musings of Love, Intensity and the Journey

Love. To seek to fulfill the needs of others. To endeavor to take away the pain from others. To take one step after another, knowing full well you can't win every battle, but still, to try, in spite of it all.

No H8; allowing ourselves to do what we need to do to cope with the losses when our love just bounces off them like a rubber band off the wall. Trying, in vain, anyway. Letting someone else take the credit because the credit isn't important, only the message is important.

When we truly love, we still feel the pain, we still go around the merry go round, but we put it out there with honesty, sincerity and full energy.

Listen to your soul after you get the vibes about another. Because in the end, you have to know that what you are is who you want to be. 

An Old Soul with low tolerance for souls throwing their lives away. A Novice in the arena of losing to the dark ones; for I do not compete, I win.  My win is not the same as your win. Your loss is not the same as my loss.

Don't ever tell me that a Lightworker does not get Angry.  For I will toss that title to the wind in a heartbeat if I must. Titles never fulfill a soul. Anger does arise when dealing with the initial influx of energies from someone who has given up, has turned inside out and is shut down.  Total fury, is more like it.  Yes, the anger subsides, as Spirit rises and the human response to the empathic energies balances it out.

You see, being one with these gifts and talents is a blessing and a curse.  If we can shut it down and never feel the sadness and the pain of others we aren't truly invested in the cause.  Blocking and shadowing the energies is only a bandage, the wound of the consciousness is still beneath it.  Compassion for one and all in the end.... is the home base to which I endeavor to always return to.

Our journey is what we want combined with the love of a very few who love unconditionally and put themselves on the line to help us along on ours as well. It is this strength, gained from the love of true friends that helps us to re-fuel, along with those Spiritual energies of Guides, Angels and loved ones that are always accessible.  

Turn down the Anger, Walk away from the nonsense.  The other side has no interest in your being miserable for society.  Their concern is Love.  
Blessings to you and yours. May you find your journey be soft and kind when the going gets rough.  May you also know the true love of a few family members and a friend here and there on your path.  

Saturday, April 25, 2015


They are stronger than you know.
Their Spirit is endless and belongs only to no-one.
While our Spirits are united, they are separate you see.
Your's belong's to you and mine to me.

So when you play the silly games,
of power and greed and jealousy,
know that their Spirit will always be free!

Dedicated to those who are suffering in silence.
Will great love and light to cast onto the shadows, 
may you find strength from within.

*~*Spirited Daydreams*~*

Spiritually Shining and Being Proud, a lost art? Tune in Wed. 05/06 by Spirited Daydreams | Spirituality Podcasts

Spiritually Shining and Being Proud, a lost art? 05/06 by Spirited Daydreams | Spirituality 

New Show!!! Wednesday, May 6th at 8:00 pm (Eastern), 5:00 pm (Pacfic).
Remember you can call in to the show from your smartphone while it's live and listen in! (858)365-5607, or listen online!

Follow the link to set a reminder for yourself!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Fairy Dust

I have a bit of fairy dust, 
I sprinkle it as I go (it's magical you know!).
A bit of magic here and there,
a bit of dust blown in the air.

My dreams are filled with love and light,
so their darkness needs to take their flight.
I blow a kiss and sprinkle away,
the energies of yesterday.

My path is mine, and yours is yours,
may we meet with friendship and enjoy the hours.
Life's too short to waste our time,
Let's sprinkle love.... and all will be fine.

Silly you, you say to me,
But silly you I reply.
My dreams are living and where are yours,
and I just walk on by.

And on I sprinkle fairy dust, 
with giggles and smiles along....

Enjoy the day, the night, your life!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Celebrate your life!

May you be blessed with The Light of Spirit,
the love of a good friend who has your back, 
one who reaches out when no-one else seems to care.

May your days be brighter and your soul feel lighter,
your hopes be strong and your worries be gone.

Happy Passover, Happy Easter, Happy Day!

With Love and Light,

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Put some Spring in your life!

What are you doing this Spring, now that it's officially arrived?  A few little day trips on the weekends perhaps? A bit of time planned in the yard to clean-up after Mother Nature this winter?

As I move into Spring I'm taking on growth from within.   I'm not just witnessing my life, I'm totally embracing it!

Spiritual goals are dusted off and brought out and integrated into my daily, weekly and monthly life planner.  Time to daydream, through meditation as well as in Nature!!!

Time schedules set up for clients for readings and new things coming are beginning to take shape that will provide Inspiration and healing.

Physical goals are refreshed and a new focus on little baby steps to take better care of my physical temple are in place.

The mind is a terrible thing to waste, and so I'm finding a bit of time to read here and there one by one of the several books I have had waiting.

An effort to reach out to some we don't see often is refreshed, and when it's at a distance the telephone still rings... both ways!

It's time to do a Spring Cleaning in our own personal lives, as well as our surroundings. What we lend energy to is what will grow, this is a cause and effect spiritual fact.  So as you are taking care of business in your homes, please remember that without you there is no home, or at least it would definitely be missing a major puzzle piece!

Love who you are, focus on what you love, and put yourself at the top of the to do list. Make this springtime be precious to you!  There is no guarantee there will be another in your life and there is no guarantee that others will be there to share it with you.  Life is a gift, not a guarantee.

Our dreams grow because we put joy into them, as well as time and effort.  When your dreams are important to you, you can't help but want to be there working on them! 

I always think.... People first, money and things second.  When people are important enough I find the time.  When I'm important to them, they will find time for me.  The rest of the time, I'm living my dreams, focusing on what makes me happy and part of that is helping you!  

Until next time...


Sunday, March 15, 2015

Loosing a loved one to Suicide, hitting rock bottom and rising up.

This blog talk radio show is dedicated to the memory of my daughter Megan.

It’s been said that the most inspirational stories are true. That people learn the most from the story that is told from the heart. One person can hear the story and get one thing from it while another person takes away something entirely different, yet both feel stronger, and hopeful.

Please listen either to the live show on Wednesday, March 18th at 8:00 pm (Eastern Time); 5:00 pm (Pacific) or at your convenience.  The show will be archived and available just a bit after the show ends for you to hear later.  The link is above.

To book a reading or send a prayer request (I take them very seriously) please go to:

"Inspiration by The Light" is the name of Spirited's show on Blog Talk Radio. There are no psychic readings done whatsoever. It is an inspirational and informative show on Spirituality and related topics.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Latest Flash has been updated!

Some have asked me, wasn't I worried about customers going here or there by associating publicly with others in this business? (After all, I've been in the business world for decades... I should know better, was what they really were saying.)

No I'm not in the least bit worried about that.   I did not enter this field publicly without a lot of kicking and screaming, so to speak.  With a business background and education in Music Ed., this was not on my "go into this business" list.  There are other ways I could choose to make a living, however Spirit has had other plans for me you see.

Unfortunately, not all people in this field have ethics on their priority list.  I remember many, many years ago having an impromptu reading on the North Shore, just for fun actually (I was a lot younger and I was curious about others, and very shy as well). I left that individual feeling empty, because the person not only did not have the gift but they were defrauding people and I felt terrible about that.  It felt to me, like a Priest or other man of the cloth that really didn't care about the message, they were in it for the money.

Having all the "things" in life have never been a priority for me and I'm not starting now.  My family can tell you many stories of people I've gone out of my way to help and when they leave my circle, I was reminded more than once that I was warned by them. It's always been about following my heart, and my journey is more important to me than things that I cannot take with me when I cross over.  I don't need to charge very high prices as Mother and Father God have always made sure I had food and clothing and shelter and since I live a simple life, as long as I can garden now and then, I'm fine with that.  I love to spend time in Nature (especially in the country or near water when I get the chance), and thankfully that's still free!

I sincerely hope you trust whoever you are working with, whether it be your Spiritual Counselor, or any other individual.  In this field, Spirit leads those to me that need to come to me.  It's that simple.

That being said, I hope you'll sign up for the mailing list (see the home page on my site), whether you are looking for "Inspiration from The Light", or updates on my Blog, Radio Show, Specials, and more to come)!  My Guides are keeping me very busy!

I would truly love to have you along on my journey! Great shows coming up, specials on readings to be announced soon and much more! Sign up today!

PS: It's my Khaleesi's 2nd Birthday today!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

A Dynamic Discussion on World Peace with Christopher Reburn 02/18 by Spirited Daydreams | Spirituality Podcasts

A Dynamic Discussion on World Peace with Christopher Reburn 02/18 by Spirited Daydreams | Spirituality Podcasts

A very rare Prime-Time appearance by Christopher Reburn! Join us for this two hour show Wednesday from 8-10 pm (Eastern), 5-7 pm (Pacific) and in the archives following the show if you can't make it then. It's sure to be a Dynamic Discussion on World Peace (and more!)

Monday, February 9, 2015

Keep Going

You may loose what you thought was your reason for living.
You may find yourself in a place of despair
with no-one around that seems to care-
“Keep Going”

You may find that the path is difficult.  
You may grow weary of the challenges ahead-
“Keep Going”

They may talk behind your back and
point out what they think you lack-
“Keep Going”

When you are moving ahead, in spite of yourself,
look up and beyond and just keep holding on-
“Keep Going”

Just around the corner, at the end of distress
is a magical place, most call it blessed.
You collide with adventure and join with desire,
to blend soul and mind with a bit of a smile.

A page will be turned and a pathway ensues,
Spirit calls out your name and you are never the same.
What once brought you down, is rarely now found,
for you know you’ve found hope once again.

Most of us find this extremely good place
after hopes have been crushed
and despair has kicked in.
Just after we’ve moved and looked up and gone within.

For we’re never alone on this journey of life.
Our guides and our loved ones are with us each day.
Pushing us forward and pulling us back,
and sending us healing and helping us pack.

Love is the Key and love is the Answer, 
together with trust in the unseen.
When they whisper “Keep Going”
don’t you give up the fight,
For tomorrow is coming and hope is in sight.

When we trust in ourselves and have faith in the goodness.
It’s then that our failures have turned into blessings.

Miracles happen to you and to me.
When you let go of the outcome and start to see,
that miracles happen just try to believe.

Keep Going!

*~*Copyright 2015, Spirited Daydreams*~*

Friday, January 23, 2015

The Roads Surprises

The road has many twists and turns,
moving onward, with steep and sharp spots.
Clashing sounds and sudden stops and starts abound at times.

Who is with you, can you feel them?
Can you hear the whispers from your friends on the other side, urging you onward?

Are you still enough to be at one with them?
Will you try to settle the madness from within and push it aside?

Sometimes it seems impossible...
Yet the answer is always the same.
We must go within and strengthen our inner core,
stay tuned to the highest channel at all times.

For this is where we will find the strength, the stamina and the type of love that will see us through the journey when times are tough.

I know.... and I practice what I preach.... and it's truth.
Blessings, Love, Joy and Peace to one and all.

The light is there.... but we must look for it with our 6th sense as well. 

*~*Spirited Daydreams*~*

©Karla Shields/Spirited Daydreams

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A Dynamic Discussion on World Peace with Christopher Reburn *Rescheduled for Feb. 18th!* by Spirited Daydreams | Spirituality Podcasts

The world is blessed by those who share their God-given gifts with us. Even more-so when those special souls come from a place of love, integrity and compassion with every encounter they undertake.
Christopher Reburn is a highly respected, broadly gifted and world renowned Psychic Medium and Spiritual Healer and Teacher.
His impressive track record of more than two decades of intensive dedication to the world have not gone un-noticed. From his personal readings, dedicated prayer and healing meditations and one-on-one classes to the public venues of seminars, classes, radio shows and more, Christopher is more than willing to share the truth from the other side with a sense of love, wisdom and sensitivity.
His followers, clients and students from around the globe have come to both respect and depend upon this high level of sincerity. Through his role as a teacher, many have developed their own gifts further, thereby sending more healing work out into this world, thanks to his dedication.
When not busy working one on one or in classrooms, public venues, or sharing through radio, recorded or written media, he also assists with investigations to help bring closure to those in need. His diversity of methods of sharing and true professionalism touches the lives of many thousands every year.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Understanding Angels

Angels, simply are. They do "morph" into human form when needed. They do "appear" as brilliant light forms at times. More importantly, they love, always and in all ways.
Perhaps rather than analyzing them, we might try to listen to their message.
Love simply is. Love does not ask you to change unless you choose to change.
Love does not ask you to be like them, love appreciates your individuality, your body, mind and soul, as that is who you are.
Love is the absence of fear, yes, as fear comes from past experiences, some fears are protection devices of sorts that we need as humans to stay away from the fire, etc.
Here's the thing: Love is in all things, ALL things, peoples and beings on our Earth. Not just the ones we understand, but also in those that we can hardly begin to understand. It's well-hidden in some, which is an understatement. Yet after the physical body is shed, the soul can (and most do) return to the light, some only have being helped over, once they understand there is no judgement on the other side, only Love.
We are walking lines today in our respective lives with great fear at times. There are many changes happening. Wars that arise from groups of peoples based on how they choose to believe, to love, to be. Some are horrific, others just so very sad.
Angels are there through all of this, trying to guide, to help, to show love, compassion and caring. Offering protection, clearing and much more, such as Archangel Michael.
Perhaps we can remember, the next time we see a picture online of an Angel, or in a book, a work of art, or a photo even; The Angels are here for us. We need only ask them to guide, to help us, and they will. They love us, not on our terms, but unconditionally. What we ask for, is what we get. Angels will help for the truth of the soul, the love of all and the protection from dark energies (which are very real when people are reacting more out of ego and fear turned hatred than anything else).
Your Guides and Angels will tell you when to stay and when to walk away. The question is: will you listen to that quiet urging that turns on like a light-bulb and then off again? At times they will keep pounding away the message, when it's vital for your path and/or safety. The gut feeling, the inner urgings... and more signs are sent to us to help us get back on track, or, to avoid going off track.
Angels, and our Guides, simply are. We can analyze them to the ends of the Universe (for they really are everywhere), or we can learn to accept that they love us, and maybe, just maybe... pass the love we feel on to someone else. Which is more important to you? Understanding why they are the way they are, or accepting the fact that we cannot understand everything from our physical perspectives. We can, however feel the love, get through the lessons, survive the horrific, fight back against the darkness (with their guidance and help it's so much more beneficial), and let our souls rejoice for the greater good of all.
Love and blessings to all to need to hear...for those who refuse to acknowledge the openness and unconditionality of love... and for my loved ones, my Guides and my Angels, who never fail me.

*~*Spirited Daydreams*~*

Thursday, January 8, 2015

EveryDay LightWorker: Karla Shields 04/16 by Christopher Reburn | Spirituality Podcasts

EveryDay LightWorker: Karla Shields 04/16 by Christopher Reburn | Spirituality Podcasts

Long ago and far away, I was invited by my brother and good friend Christopher Reburn, to be on his blogtalkradio show.  It was in 2012, and was a precursor to my own show which began airing in January of 2013!  The first show I was on is linked above.... I was so nervous! :)

As we celebrate the 2 year anniversary of my own show, Spirited Daydreams, Inspiration from The Light; I'm so excited to have Christopher joining me to co-host a show on the very important and vital topic of World Peace!

The show will air Jan. 14th from 8-9 pm (Eastern) here:

You can count on a couple of things, quite sincerely, from our show next Wednesday.
It will be fun! (Christopher is always fun) and...
It will be sincere! (We are both, above all I think it's fair to say, concerned with honesty).

Spiritually speaking, World Peace is surely at the very top of my list, daily!

See you there!