I get a kick out of people that think the term "Lightworker" is for pansies. Do you really think that "The Light" is without integrity, consciousness and depth? As a Lightworker I profess to try to work on behalf of "The Light", a noble task and one which I endeavor to do.
Anyone who works for a cause for good, to help, to heal, to lift someone's spirit, is doing the same, perhaps with a few technical differences, but nonetheless to lift, as opposed to step upon.
There are those who work on behalf of All That Is, and there are those who are so concerned with the pomp and circumstance that the actual raw joy of communing gets lost in the translation.
Not being a Witch myself, I learned that there is a huge difference between one who professes to be a witch and one who practices the religion of Wicca. Indeed a very large chasm to cross I'm told.
In so many belief system's there are variations of this nature. There are those who focus on different subtleties and aspects that they feel are more important to them, facets of the belief's that for them, reinforce their base belief's and help them to feel connected to that which is larger than all, from their viewpoint.
Just as you might speak with a dozen or so individuals in any one religion, belief system or followers of a certain philosophy, this also rings true with those of us that use the term Lightworker, in conjunction with Psychic and Spiritualist. One individual might profess to be connected with "The Light" as their mission statement, another may say that for them it is the primary focus to work within one area of spirituality and another may be sharing goods and wares to try to inspire others. I can say with great certainty that there are many who I personally would consider to be one that works on behalf of "The Light", however also I'm comfortable saying that they probably would not ever consider themselves to be doing that at all. In fact some of the individuals that I'm referring to were not religious at all, not Pagan, not Christian, Jew, or other. Yet they touch and have touched the very Spirits of so many people in their lifetimes, they have acted as a non-judgemental teacher, helper, healer in the community, or job, family or group where they were planted. It's simply amazing to me how much kindness can be done when we put the labels aside and focus on the person in front of us.
Over the thousands of years humanity has struggled with the practices, the belief systems and the variations amongst it's peoples that were present at the time. It's still very true today, in fact we are at a boiling point in some respects, where there is grand tolerance on one end of the scale for all beliefs and rights of peoples and on the other end of the scale there is no tolerance for any belief system other than our own. We witness this on the media within political positions where people reinforce their rights via their "religion" or "belief's", in fact, one might even say they use their belief system to justify their reason for acting or not acting on an issue. We experience terror as groups are so unyielding to any other belief systems that they will take another's life as part of that system. These surely are at one END of the spectrum, in fact, one might way it is at the opposite end of the spectrum because it is gradually evolving it's way out of our experience. Flailing and using every means possible, there are justifications based on their belief systems, that their actions are inspired by their Higher Power. A lot of energy is being spent to this end, for the good of the organizations.
While all of this can be so dramatic there is something we as individuals are given, even by those that we disagree with on every level, much to their chagrin, I'm sure.
We are given the right to choose our personal beliefs, philosophies, patterns and experiences. We have, in this 3D realm of life, the ability to change our mind if one system no longer suits us. We have the right to evolve on a personal and spiritual level and to experience that which we choose. This is part of the Grand Master's plan, if you will. The Highest Power, Source, The Great Spirit, whatever label you prefer. We did choose to come here to experience life from an individual point of light, not to come in and remain fully connected as if we never "left" at all. Along our personal paths we have stepping stones that bring us forward on our charted journey.
While I personally do endeavor to include as a primary focus, my intentions to work on behalf of "The Light", for me, it is a choice of great pleasure, supreme experience that can only be granted in the process of helping those to whom I am led, or those who are led to me, with the help of Spirit. For me, being a conduit of pure, positive energy is being a Lightworker. It is a no-nonsensical path, not purely a flowery one, for the Other Side will bring rather challenging situations to me at times. Yet it is in these challenges that the power of Spirit, of Intellect and Integrity is needed. Through Meditation, Contemplation and time with Nature to reconnect, we Lightworker's recharge and move forward on our journey.
Know that this blog post was indeed transmitted through me, to help me to clarify what I'm trying to say. I feel all of this, but putting this in words, well, I can only say that I'm most grateful for the assistance.
The Point is this: If what you're practicing doesn't feel good to you, perhaps it's time to change. The beautiful thing about this life experience is that you get to choose, to learn and to change as you personally evolve. You are here to experience the GOOD, not just the challenges. Yes, there are life-lessons we are here to learn, however the journey overall is meant to be one in which JOY is a primary vibration.
Blessings to all... with Peace and hope that you will follow your personal Joyful moments.
There is no comparison of one soul to another from Mother and Father God. There is great Love and great Appreciation for each and everyone's contribution to the expansion as we move forward through this transition.
Spirited Daydreams
#Lightworker #Spirit #Beliefs #Humanity #SpiritedDaydreams