Love. To seek to fulfill the needs of others. To endeavor to take away the pain from others. To take one step after another, knowing full well you can't win every battle, but still, to try, in spite of it all.
No H8; allowing ourselves to do what we need to do to cope with the losses when our love just bounces off them like a rubber band off the wall. Trying, in vain, anyway. Letting someone else take the credit because the credit isn't important, only the message is important.
When we truly love, we still feel the pain, we still go around the merry go round, but we put it out there with honesty, sincerity and full energy.
Listen to your soul after you get the vibes about another. Because in the end, you have to know that what you are is who you want to be.
An Old Soul with low tolerance for souls throwing their lives away. A Novice in the arena of losing to the dark ones; for I do not compete, I win. My win is not the same as your win. Your loss is not the same as my loss.
Don't ever tell me that a Lightworker does not get Angry. For I will toss that title to the wind in a heartbeat if I must. Titles never fulfill a soul. Anger does arise when dealing with the initial influx of energies from someone who has given up, has turned inside out and is shut down. Total fury, is more like it. Yes, the anger subsides, as Spirit rises and the human response to the empathic energies balances it out.
You see, being one with these gifts and talents is a blessing and a curse. If we can shut it down and never feel the sadness and the pain of others we aren't truly invested in the cause. Blocking and shadowing the energies is only a bandage, the wound of the consciousness is still beneath it. Compassion for one and all in the end.... is the home base to which I endeavor to always return to.
Our journey is what we want combined with the love of a very few who love unconditionally and put themselves on the line to help us along on ours as well. It is this strength, gained from the love of true friends that helps us to re-fuel, along with those Spiritual energies of Guides, Angels and loved ones that are always accessible.
Turn down the Anger, Walk away from the nonsense. The other side has no interest in your being miserable for society. Their concern is Love.
Blessings to you and yours. May you find your journey be soft and kind when the going gets rough. May you also know the true love of a few family members and a friend here and there on your path.