Saturday, October 19, 2013

Breaking Out

In a day and age when we've made so many advancements;
In a time when so many people have more freedoms available
to them than in days gone by;
There are many people still quietly trying to fit in.

Spirit wants you to know that you did not come to fit in;
Spirit wants you to break out of the mold that you have
become so familiar with, maybe the one that others
placed you in, or that your situation fit.

There is nothing you cannot do,
There is no-one that you cannot decide to be
that is within your range of emotions and
It's truly up to you, this life experience you are
living in.

Prisons exist for a reason,
yet so many live within them every day.
While you may be free in terms of society,
are you permitting yourself to live the life that you truly want?

Only you can choose.  You have the right to pick your path.
Your friends and family and others may mean well,
it's up to you to do for them, for you, for anyone, what
rings true to you!

Putting someone else's needs before you own is perfect,
if it gives you the true and honest feeling of love, hope and peace.
Yet, remember... you have a limited time here...
and keep your own path on the list of to-do's.

You are never alone.
Your Guides and Angels walk with you every single step of the way.
Through the tears, the fears and the love... they are with us.
To Talk To Them.
To Ask Them For Help and Guidance.
To Thank Them For Their Blessings.

We are all blessed.
We get what we want... as well as some things we didn't plan on.
Yet in the end... you've allowed others in your sphere of life;
and their experiences will affect you.

Others are a gift to us, yes, even the pain we get due to them.
Break Out from the Pain...
Love, Laugh, Enjoy YOUR life!
All in all, it's a Good Life!!! :)
