Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Excellence and the audience

Take a handful of people who witness an outstanding performance that stopped them in their tracks and, if they are being honest, you'll get very different responses. Excellence brings reactions of varying kinds!

I'd like to take you down the path of the performer for a bit. For instance, there is a reason why a skilled Musician will practice the same passage hundreds, possibly thousands of times until it becomes a part of them.   A truly skilled musician has done this and so the results that you hear are after more practice than the average soul would ever entertain... they would rather listen than go through the hoops.  
People nearby often think them a bit off, because they repeat the same thing over and over and over and it drives them up a wall, so to speak.  As a result of the skill that they have acquired through the learning process of practice, practice, practice, they have freed themselves from the need to think about what they do at all.  They live the moments in true bliss, thoroughly enjoying their craft and the audience senses the bliss of the Musician as well as through their auditory senses.  

The same basic process actually applies to almost anything most people do.  From Arithmetic to Crocheting, Martial Arts to Skiing and more, the amount of time and energy put in will give a different result when compared to most others.

Everything worth doing usually takes practice to excel. Some of us need more practice than others.  Some of us need little in some areas, more in others. We truly beat to our own drums in more than a few ways.  Our DNA, our physical history and circumstances and yes, our past lives, all contribute to what seems to be our ease of learning one thing and our disdain in attempting to learn something else.  In short, we have our "easy" things and we have our well, not so easy things.

Now if you'll recall at the beginning I referred to a handful of people giving their opinions of someone that they witnessed perform, in whatever field you choose.  There are those that want to label it; those that want to explain it; those that describe the way they felt when witnessing it, a bit like the analytical folks following a political speech.

Once in a while... there is someone who has nothing to say at all, not because they are uncomfortable with it, nor is it usually because they do not wish to participate in the conversation.    Indeed, to the contrary... they are participating, just in a very different way than many of you.  They have taken the moments and are still feeling them, but on a higher level.  They have become inspired to take their own path to a higher level, or perhaps they are enjoying the moments of listening to the chatter whilst being a receiver and considering each of the others thoughts.

It's not always that different with Spirituality.  We can clamor as we feel our way is superior, because it works for us.  We can analyze and we feel stronger when we understand the methods and the reasoning behind the choice.  We can want to share our feelings about it with others in a pleasant and uplifting way as we feel a natural high from our path.  Then... there are those... that are the quiet ones.  Perhaps they are doing practice of their own, while we are sharing... or perhaps they are in their own quiet way, participating.  

In Spirituality there is no voice required, it is your spirituality that matters to you and no other being on this planet will express their version as you will.  Their relationship with their creator or higher self or deity will be different, just as a musicians interpretation of a musical piece can be heard and yes, felt, by those on the receiving end.  The spiritual tune is a common thread, as the true self of your soul intertwines with each other soul and we are one, yet, in this realm, we are here to experience our own version, as individuals.  

It's easy to label what we don't understand... and not everyone feels the need to explain why they are not explaining.  Each one, adds to the whole of all that is, and no "one" has the answer for another, including yours truly.  I can only find my way and offer a bit of my own version for the path that my spirit has taken me on.  It is my sincere wish that each one of you finds your true bliss in your own spiritual path... as for me... I continue to practice...

