There are passages in one's life that involve denial of things that we do not understand because we cannot feel, hear, see, smell or touch it. This does not mean it does not exist, only that we are not ready to comprehend it.
Very often, the thing we may deny most adamantly, can bring us the most in return. An attitude of gratitude for having this discomfort in our sphere of life is essential, so
that we look past the resistance have and get to the business of finding what it has to do with our path.
Perhaps it's in your path for personal growth, for acceptance of other's that we encounter, or to realize we really do not have all the answers to everything.
And then again, we always have the choice to shut it out, it's our choice.
Integrity speaks of intellect, wisdom and the ability to discern what our actions or words do to everyone we encounter.
There is nothing to gain, it has been said, by fighting a war with an unarmed opponent, for you cannot educate someone who is closed off. Only when they seek answers, will they find them.
You go your way, I'll go mine... and if we meet along the way, may we have learned to share the knowledge that in the end, we are of the same human race, on the same planet earth, here to experience what we came to... and that is truly unique to each individual.
The Great Spirit needed your version of experience to fulfill the experience of the whole!
Do it your way... and they'll do it theirs....
May we learn, and relearn when needed, to be patient with ourselves and with others
as we move ahead in the expansion of who we are, and by learning who we are not!
Karla/Spirited Daydreams