We are here in these individual bodies, experiencing our individual paths in a society where the individual is not seen or heard often, excepting those rarities in a celebrity status of sorts.
Yet, the reality is, that we are all connected, in spirit, from Source/The Great Spirit. Regardless of the "religion" or "absence of religion" that our individual selves follow, our spirit connects with the energy of All That Is.
And so, I honor that which is in you, and me, and all of us. We are so blessed to be here.
When the individual self, the "you" that you've come to know in this lifetime, is unhappy, I wish you a magical thought that will feel better, and then another, and then another and another and another, until you come to find the Joy that is.
When someone else "causes" you to feel less than this, it is their ego/fear that needs to feel that way. You can honor their need by sending them well-wishes. They are truly unhappy if they desire to feel above any of us, as we are all one you see; or, they simply haven't awoken to the reality that this lifetime is a playground.
Enjoy the ride, each day is another adventure in the playground of life. May your playmates play fair, May your games be filled with joy, and may you find love, give love in as many ways as you can. I know of no finer game than to seek to do so. No-one ever looses at this game, because love is never lost.
Blessings, with much love and light