Saturday, December 27, 2014

Writing the story of our lives in 2015 **Revised thanks to Spirit**

Our lives are the story that we leave behind us, as well as the combination of experiences that we share with others.  Not everyone has a Biography published as a top seller, at least not in written form.  Yet, our lives are most definitely impacting those around us aren’t they?  Whether we appreciate the interaction or not, those souls with whom we share our time either regularly, occasionally or once in a lifetime, are in the story of our lives.  Without others in our lives, we would not experience the full richness, whether it be comedy or tragedy or anywhere in between.   

It's funny how things work Spiritually at times.  You can be going forward when suddenly a stop sign shows up with alarm bells going.  It can come through another person, a place, or a thing.  You know it when it happens though, spiritually at least, because you feel that something isn't quite right.

There is no doubt among most of us, that we are today in a time of great change.  On that I think most of us agree.  What we will most definitely NOT agree upon is how we want our own lives to be in the future.  Most of us would like to have World Peace, to be sure.  Yet some will continue to put up roadblocks in 2015 in their daily lives without ever realizing it.  You know what this is like... you've been going along in your life in 2014 and suddenly, here and there, someone just feels the need to put up a Do Not Disturb sign, right there in your pathway!  As though you intentionally set out to do so to them, when in all actuality, Spiritually speaking, you have done absolutely nothing of the kind.

I won't say that you won't experience more of this type of thing in 2015.  The undercurrents are strong and there are those that will continue to feel unsettled in their own lives.  As is the case, it's always so much easier to lash out at others than to settle their own affairs.  I urge you to go within, meditate, go soul-searching in your own way, on such occasions in 2015.  For it is through your inner peace that you will better find outer peace, whether it is in your family, friendships, work or other relationships.

To write the story of your life in 2015 please consider:
1) Spiritual Goals
2) Physical Goals
3) Intellectual Goals
4) Relationships
in addition to any other personal needs, wants and desires that you want to create for your life's story

This is the story of your life.  Each day is a new beginning, each night the turn of the page.  May we all find what we are seeking, and seek what we truly wish to find.


PS: As all of my entries are truly "Inspired by The Light", and not personal opinions... I occasionally have a sort of a time delay effect, where a message will come through just about the time I thought I was done putting it out there.  As was the case with this blog entry, it's been revised at the request of Spirit.  These are their words... I seldom make entries from my own opinions sake on this blog, as it is for their messages... not mine.  Peace, Love and Light to all, especially those that do not want it, as they are the ones that truly need it.