Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Who you are...

It is not a thing you have, the Soul.  It is who you are!

You are not your body.  The body is temporarily
housing part of your spirit.

Your Soul, your spirit, travels, yet for now, returns to your body.  When this temporary housing changes, you
will, as your loved ones have... just reappear with them.

This may sound all so simple... and the truth is, it is as simple and as difficult as that.  It is natural to fear the loss of the home that you have... your body.

Yet... know that you are not your body.
You, are your Soul!

Blessings, Love, Joy and Peace to you...
Let your soul shine, sparkle and join others to 
brighten and lighten their loads.  For now, let us
treasure the home that our soul inhabits and take good
care.... for our experiences are here...
and there...
