Saturday, October 13, 2012

Soulful connections with our loved ones, Spirits, Ghosts and such.

Most of us who have lost loved ones in horrific ways never imagined it could or would happen to them.  We never imagined that our lives would change in that moment forever, never to feel the same.  

When we lost our daughter to suicide, our household changed, our lives changed, everything changed.  We learned more about stigma than the average person who lives a life of duality would ever think possible, and I've got plenty of friends in that category.  The unquestionable issue for me personally is that she did cross over to the other side.  There was no "purgatory" and other loved ones that crossed over were there to meet her.  

When Mike and Joyce had their death experience, they too crossed over.  On this side, there were questions that never were answered due to lack of evidence.  But on that side, Joyce sits with Angels and Michael is at peace.  They've sent more than a few messages of love to us in appreciation for our help and to let us know that they are okay.

Loosing a child is indeed one of the most difficult things to bear in life.  It does go against nature and we, the parents and her siblings left on this side, live every day with her in our hearts.  When a recent death in the community involved a young person tragically taken, we immediately thought of the pain her family will endure.  My love and prayers were at once sent out.  

The average person looks at the media, chats about what happened and unfortunately passes some form of judgement as to why, how or perhaps maybe this is what really happened.  For the family, the Moms, Dads, Cousins, Brothers, Sisters, Children... it's the last thing we're thinking of really.  Part of us feels like we died inside.  And without some connection to them after they have crossed over, some of us cannot get past the moment and move forward.

As the Titanic was sinking, and survivors were watching, while they were most probably very grateful for their lives, wouldn't you feel extreme sadness for those that could not be in the boat with you?  I've posted the song "Ghosts" from Kansas here not only because it's one of my favorites but because this footage is real from that event.  Maybe it will help you connect with this topic.  Maybe you don't need this because you live with it daily.

I offer my services as a Psychic-Medium to help others to find peace, to have that moment, where they "know" they have received a message from their loved one.  That symbol, message, thing... that only they and their loved one knew about... more often than not, is what turns the skeptic into a possibility thinker on the issue of connecting with the other side.  

There are some, as in every field, that will offer you hope yet you are left wondering why you ever went there, it was ridiculous and you wasted your time and money.  Yes, there are those.  

I will not tell a parent, child, loved one something that the Spirit World does not send through me to them.  I will, however, give you every ounce of my being in my connection with the other side to allow their message to come through to you.  It is will great love and appreciation for my Guides, Angels and all on the other side that I am here for you.

When you are ready to ask a question or two or three, of those on the other side, that you feel deeply is needed by you, please contact me for an email reading.  I'm not presently available in other modes due to my schedule, yet rest assured that I go into deep meditation.  I know full well how important this may be for you.  

If you are looking for the other side to offer you a daily revelation of communication to a loved one, I'm afraid you'll be disappointed.  The reality is that while they can and do visit us, watch us, and try to send us messages, they have their own paths and work to do on the other side.  

The "Ghosts" however, are those that have not yet crossed over to the other side.  They do not need to come back to send a message or the knowingness that they are here with us, for they have never left this plane of existence.  It's sad to me, that these souls have not crossed over, some due to fear of what the other side holds... some for other reasons.  So when you consider hunting them down, please be respectful.  They were living breathing human beings as well, just as you and I are, and some are in extreme pain or fear.  Communicating with them, or with those from the other side, should always, in my opinion, be given respectfulness.  

This season of October we are mindful of Ghosts and Goblins.  Personally, I'm quite mindful of the fact that we are not alone, never have been, and never will be.  Whilst we may not be able to touch them or see them, most everyone deep down is fascinated at least, by the possibility of life after death.  

Life is energy.  Energy transmutes, it does not die.  And so shall it be.

Blessings to you, the Mom, the Dad, the Lover, Wife, Husband, Sister, Brother, Son or Daughter, etc., that is missing the peace of the puzzle of their family that will never be replaced.  I wish you peace... of mind and more importantly, that your spirit will regain strength to find your next purpose in this lifetime. 

You are here for your own reasons... our loved ones, our Guides and our Angels care deeply for us and want us to live our lives to the fullest that we are able, and most will help us where they can.
