Monday, May 14, 2012

Worry, Suicide and Survivors

In a world filled with cynicism, doubt, competition, fear and anger.... our world today can truly feel cold and at times more than frightening to some, if not all of us at times.   Reaching out for our personal answer to offset these negative feelings is crucial.  How we do that is critical!

Many religions, practices and civilizations practice the art of sending Blessings to others.  Peace!  Shalom!  Blessings!  It depends not on which words are used, truly, it is the vibration, your intention, that surrounds what is said, or what thought is sent.   

Asking for help involves opening up, showing our fears to someone we feel we trust in.  When we are in a fear-based place, it's quite easy to have our thoughts cycle on station, if you will.  In other words, we'll say something like "I'll never get out of this", repeatedly, day after day, night after night.  Then we wonder why we're not getting out of this!?  

Even the most basic of mental training or conditioning stresses using positive self-talk.  We all fall off that step from time to time and find ourselves cycling on station about someone we love who is down and out, sick, in need, perhaps even ourselves!  But.... are we truly helping them by doing that?  

Ignorance is bliss is another way of dealing with the issues that give up nightmares, keep us from sleeping, pervade our working hours and even the time with those we love the most in this world.   Just pretend it isn't there and it will pass.  Perhaps and perhaps not!  Sometimes the failing to deal with the basic equation at hand is only asking for a landslide to start faster.

When you or your loved one, child or adult, is in a place that you cannot reach, what do you do?  When they (or you) can't break through the fog of doubt, self-hatred, fear, inadequacy, desperation... and you have tried everything you know... what do you do?

I've been there, more than a few times.  When we've tried the counselors, the experts, the spiritualists, the talisman's, the teacher's, friends, kind words, loving thoughts, tough love, special time sessions, and still nothing works, it's hard to get through a day, let alone a week without repeatedly praying for help!

Suicidal tendencies can be obvious, well hidden, and unfortunately, when dealing with someone, yes even a young teenager, who is quite intelligent, they can be almost impossible to detect.  When you are open spirituality you may have nightmares about their death before it happens.  You'll do everything in your power to try to avoid it.... and it still happens.  They were smarter than you thought!  They planned every last detail out so that eventually they would succeed.  They actually seemed to spend more effort on death, than they did finding answers to living! How could this be?!!!  How could you miss it!  

Years later you will find the pieces of the puzzle from many well-meaning people who felt the need to impart their knowledge to you.  Adding up the information gave you the answers, to some degree, as to how your loved one may have felt they were in such a desperate place.  

When a drop of water constantly drips on it, even a rock will become dented.  Surely our frail human spirit needs a line of defense against the repetitious negative inputs from callous and competitive humans who are just trying to survive.  To many, putting down another is just a game.  They have such "thick skins" that a negative remark is funny!  Perhaps they were raised with this atmosphere and never shown true caring, and when it was shown, they fluffed it off as silly.

The art of sending Blessings is just that, an Art.  It is meant to be used deliberately, delicately and with the highest of intentions.  An honorable Art it is, whether asking the Universe, God, Goddess or the Great Spirit for Blessings for yourself, or another, there is great healing within it.

While you may not be able to stop the inevitable choice of another, you CAN send healing requests to yourself, family, friends and loved ones using the art of Blessings.  The soul feels them, "hears" them and most willingly accepts them, when sent with the highest regards and love.  

Since the soul never dies, your intentions live on.  For me, a Mom of a suicide victim that I love dearly and and blessed to be able to communicate with from time to time.... I know that at least she knows I did everything I could to keep her well... including sending Blessings before the unknown event occurred.  It's taken well more than a decade (in fact, nearly 2 decades) for me to be able to talk or write publicly about this, and even now it's difficult, but I will tell you that every single day, I send them to my family and dearest friends, and asked for healing blessings for myself as well when needed.  I know I cannot control the universe single-handedly, I can only do what I do best... which is to love others, despite that coldness that may be returned or the glazed over eyes that meet mine with fear well-hidden within them.  I can try to help. That's called civility!  That is Love!  That is.... knowing that we are not separate, for each one of us touches more lives than we will know until our time comes to shed these physical shrouds or separation and give the illusion of being disconnected.  Because I am "psychic" I know.... we are not separate at all.  

From a lighter and simpler place, hear this: Life is not always Fair.  We cannot control the actions of another.  We CAN control how we behave.  We CAN guide our feelings to a healing place, and show others that there are civilized beings amongst us who regard them as more than precious, but an integral part of who we are!  Don't wait for the puzzle pieces to hit you when you visit the salon, the gym, the supermarket and run into others who have to shed their skin and spill the truth, much too late.  You don't want to be there, trust me!  To find out that "bullying" was an integral part of the suicide of your child is beyond painful, it's heart-wrenching!  Part of my mission is more than obvious to even the dullest of minds.... I speak out in her name, at her request!  She is helping others cross over who have committed suicide.  She is trying to heal teenagers living in pain to help them avoid her mistake.  She asked me to do my part and tell the stories.... and of course I will, regardless of the unmistakeable discomfort it imparts, because the cause is high.  To let those that have ears hear.... that each and everyone of us is loved.  There is enough to get by.  There is always a window open when the door is slammed shut in our face.... and even more, that it's okay to ask for help until someone with loving thoughts, arms and resources.... hears us!

Blessings to you, and the most Highest Blessings to those of you in pain of any kind!